Monday, September 5, 2011

Day Twenty-One!!!

A little puppy play-time from Day 21. 

Things are going good with Ms. Zoe and the boys.  The pups are growing and learning like crazy.  They are three weeks old today and I gave them their first meal of gruel this evening to see what they thought.  "YUMMY!", was the general consensus.  They even ate most of it before stepping in the pan...the efficiency of labs..."No food shall go to waste".

ENS was completed on day 16, so we'll now have more bonding and play time with them.  We also went shopping today for some puppy toys and introduced those this afternoon.  There was not a big interest in them yet, but a little by some of the fellas.

I guess it's time to purchase an ex-pen too as they are very quick to get around whenever they're outside of "the box".  Kaden is having lots of fun with them now and will have even more once they are a little older.  Depending on the weather, we will probably get them out in the yard this week to experience the grassy surface of the lawn.  I thought it was a bit too cold and breezy today for them.

I've added a little clicker training...having them sit before being lifted out of the box - they seem to get this already (well, a lot of the time anyway)...introducing the pee pads as well ~ uhm, that one may take a little longer, but they'll catch on.

Hoping I'll get some time on Tuesday to upload and post a couple of photos and/or videos so you can see their progress.  They are really starting to get fun now.  I'll enjoy this time as much as possible, because I know that very, very soon, they will be little pooping machines.


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